If you do not have a regular income, but you need an account for other purposes, this account is the right solution for you. You can use it if you charge for services to legal entities (royalty or work contract), if you want to have a separate account for payments on the Internet, if you need to generate income or if you simply want to have a supplementary account that you will use from time to time.

Product description

  • Account type: Payment account
  • Minimum amount: 0 dinars
  • Monthly account maintenance: 0 dinars
  • Fee for opening an account: 140 rsd, i.e. no fee if the account is used for the needs of other savings or credit products
  • The possibility of linking a payment card: with this account it is possible to apply for a free Dina debit card as well as a Visa debit card in accordance with the Tariff of Fees
  • Account authorization: it is possible to authorize 2 other people per account who can deposit and withdraw money from the account.

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0800 330 300
011 3306 300


Dalmatinska 22

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